Monday, August 24, 2009

Savane Beach (Praia de Savane)

My attempt at capturing the stars, can you see the palm trees?

Savane Beach Sunrise, Indian Ocean.

One of my favorite memories from the Mozambique trip was our excursion to Savane Beach in Beira after the program had ended. It was so relaxing and wonderful to hear nothing but the crashing of waves and wind in the trees. As I sat out among the palms and stars attempting to photograph the night sky sans tripod, I marveled at the beauty of Mozambique, and also the silence. There were no cars, nobody was talking, no music to try and ignore. Just the wind and waves, the stars, and me.

It was also just wind and the waves I heard the next morning as we went to watch the sunrise over the ocean. Being from California, I am used to watching sunsets over the ocean, but this morning's display of colors and beauty did not disappoint me. I stayed long after the girls had left taking progressive pictures of the sunrise, and also the fishermen going out for the catch of the day. It was one of those moments that come few and far between, where like Moses, you understand that man is truly nothing, and that a greater being created everything before your eyes.

Being back in Provo I miss the wind and waves, the stars and the silence, and the beautiful sunrises of Mozambique.