Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lots has happened...

So I am writing this past midnight at my hotel in Beira, which is a long ways from Maputo, but let me recap this past week before I get into that can of worms...

Monday we left on the bus for South Africa where we picked up our vans and drove into Swaziland. I was driving the BYU student van, on the right side of the car, on the right side of the road. And it was a stick-shift. Good times! Let's just put it this way, no one died while I was driving!

Tuesday we spent in Swaziland visiting a village, and some of the group jumped in the waterfall that I got in last year. Seeing how it was freezing water, raining, and I had a cold I didn't want to chance getting even more sick!

Wednesday we drove into South Africa to Kruger National Park for safari. Thursday was the best though, because...

We saw amazing animals, like Cheetah and a whole family of elephants, and seven lions who had just killed a zeebra or something and were eating with their cubs. It was like watching a national geographic video live, it was incredible.

Friday we came home, tided up loose ends, unpacked, packed again, and left for Beira Saturday morning at 5 am. I slept most of the way here, and it was pretty uneventful other than the tire blowing out and us being stuck in the middle of nowhere for about an hour until a big-rig helped the bus.

Tomorrow I think all of us will be sleeping in, I am glad we all made it to Beira safe and sound. Most of us will be here only a few days, we just wanted to see the city here and get to know a different part of the country, and then we will catch some chapas home that stop along the beaches in the lower two provinces on the way back to Maputo.

As you might have guessed, our program is officially over and after the traveling here in Mozambique I will be going to London with Christina and Kailey for a few days. I am excited to do that, I loved London last year and on the way here this year, so I'm thinking it is still going to be good a week from now. I hope everyone is well and I will see you soon!

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